My journey with thanatology and metaphysics began in 2011 when I lost my partner to suicide while four months pregnant. To say I was lost in an unforgiving storm would be an understatement-I quickly realized there was no roadmap for making it through loss, that was a journey I’d have to undergo alone. This journey did not unfold for me in the traditional sense, however. Although I certainly was hostage to the grief cycle mourning his passing, I still felt him very much alive. It didn’t feel as if he was gone, it simply felt as though he was elsewhere. This made me question many things. And this intuitive intelligence was further compounded as I began receiving signs of the most beautiful sort. My attention was no longer focused on this plane of existence, but on the next. Was there life after death? What is the soul? Who are we in the grand picture? And what was the meaning and purpose behind our lives?

This marked the beginning of what would become a passion and calling for me. This journey exploring the here-after began by reading the works of many who have pioneered the field of metaphysics. One person’s work in particular played a pivotal role in my journey, and that is the work of Dr. Michael Newton and his book Destiny Of Souls. This book changed my life confirming to me what I already intuitively knew to be true, returning me ‘home’ in a way that helped me to both remember everything I was searching for but had forgotten, allowing me to become an active participant in my life again.

Dr. Newton’s work became the catalyst to exploring hundreds of other books on metaphysics- The Seth Books by Jane Roberts, A Course In Miracles by Helen Schucman, The Conversations With God Series by Neale Donald Walsch, and The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle being a few of my favorites. During this exploration I also put everything I was learning to the test. I didn’t want to simply understand it. I needed to experience it. Only then could I call it truth. I sat with countless mediums, underwent numerous past life and life between lives regressions, consulted esoteric astrological chart readings, and even explored the wisdom kept within psychoactive plants. No matter the source and my crosschecking, the truth always remained the same-that we are eternal beings and that everything comes back to love.  

As time went on and with my spirituality solidified, I began to feel a yearning to help others. Having made the long and arduous journey known as ‘the dark night of the soul,’ I know firsthand both the fortitude it takes to navigate loss, as well as the faith that’s found within living a spiritually centered life. I can say that this journey has helped me find reverence within all experiences, and one of the most important things I’ve learned is that you are not blessed by gaining things from others but by serving them. This calling to help others navigate the death-bereavement-spirituality arc and create a spiritually centered life is the inspiration behind all my professional endeavors.